Gabrielle White
Project Field Engineer
Adolfson & Peterson Construction
ABOUT Gabrielle:
I have been in the construction industry going on 11 years now, graduated from Dunwoody College of Technology with my associate’s degree in applied science of Architectural Drafting and Technology. I am now pursuing my Certificate in Construction Project Management, also at Dunwoody. I am a mother of two beautiful children that I get to come home to every day and share different stories with them about my experiences thus far in the construction industry.
I was first introduced at the sweet young age of 12, just by doing things hands-on. I built a small house using hot glue and cardboard boxes, I also included a small family in front of the house, made with paper. I have always been interested in seeing designs such as buildings come to life from paper to reality. I thought I wanted to be an architect, but truth is, it wasn’t my calling. So, I became more interested in the administration part of the construction.
What I enjoy the most about being in Construction is that I am a part of a project where I can be valued, a resource, a team player, and most importantly being myself. I value being respected and appreciated, especially when things change or are out of your control.
Since being in the Construction Industry, I have faced many obstacles, such as my gender, race, and knowledge. I learned and am still learning to become confident, assertive, and build healthy work relationships with my teammates, along with being an advocate for others who may feel like they don’t matter.
I am currently working with Adolfson & Peterson as a Project Field/Engineer going on 11 months now and I have been blessed to be part of a company that has been leading me in the right direction of what I want to become in my career, while also pushing me to do more and get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Time for Growth has come. I am nervous but have been enjoying this change in my career.