Nicole Belden
Operating engineers local 49
ABOUT Nicole:
Nicole Belden is an apprentice and crane operator for Ames Construction. She is also a mother of two daughters and a grandmother.
Although she started her career later in life, she’s thankful for it. Growing up, Nicole knew of the benefits her dad, also an operating engineer, provided for his family, and that was her driving force. “When I started my journey to become an operator, I wanted to be a dozer operator or ‘dirt guy’ like my dad, but instead I was introduced to the crane world as an oiler,” she said.
Nicole spent many weeks at the Local 49 Training Center learning to operate all the dirt equipment as well as earn crane certifications. She’s now certified in the crawler crane and large and small hydro crane. “I’m grateful for all the weeks I spent training with dirt equipment because I am not just a dirt operator or a crane operator, I can run both sides, and that keeps me working,” she said.
Her career as an operator gives her a sense of accomplishment. “The best part of my job is to step on the jobsite, look around, set up my crane and realize that I’ve made it!” she said. “Most people don’t expect to see a female in the crane seat, so people passing by oftentimes give me a thumbs up, and that’s awesome!”
When asked about the best advice she has received, she said, “The best advice has been head down, eyes on the prize. Also, work hard and earn the respect of the operators and your crew by showing up and showing out. Always train and find ways to improve your skills. What you put into your career will be what you get out of it. And lastly, don’t be too prideful to help your crew out, even if it’s not on the equipment.”
Nicole would like to tell any woman interested in a career in the trades “to go for it!”
“It’s a decision they won’t regret,” she said. “It takes hard work and dedication, but to stand as a female in a male-dominated industry and be successful is a powerful feeling words can’t describe.”