S.M. Hentges & Sons, Inc.

Specialty Contractor
650 Quaker Ave., Ste. 200
Jordan, MN
United States
Jordan, MN
United States
Division: Highway-Heavy
Established in 1981, S.M. Hentges & Sons, Inc. operates primarily as a general contractor specializing in utility, earthwork, and street construction. In addition to highway heavy projects, SMH also self performs a wide scope of projects consisting including interceptor pipe, asphalt paving, concrete paving, structural concrete, pile driving, erosion control, bridges, and treatment plant work. SMH's strength is in taking on the most challenging projects and successfully delivering quality projects on time.CSI Codes:
02 00 00 Existing Conditions02 41 00 Demolition
00 00 00 Top Level Parent
31 00 00 Earthwork
31 37 00 Riprap
31 62 00 Driven Piles
32 00 00 Exterior Improvements
32 12 00 Flexible Paving
32 13 00 Rigid Paving
32 16 00 Curbs, Gutters, Sidewalks, and Driveways
32 32 00 Retaining Walls
33 00 00 Utilities
33 11 00 Water Utility Distribution Piping
33 30 00 Sanitary Sewerage Utilities
33 40 00 Storm Drainage Utilities
34 00 00 Transportation
34 80 00 Bridges
41 00 00 Material Processing and Handling Equipment (Division)
41 62 00 Trucks
33 05 13 Manholes and Structures
33 10 00 Water Utilities