ArchKey Solutions - Parsons Electric

Specialty Contractor
5960 Main St. NE
Minneapolis, MN
United States
Minneapolis, MN
United States
Division: Building
Parsons Electric, established in 1927, has offices in Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth, and Virginia, MN; Phoenix, AZ; and Fargo, ND. Parsons' comprehensive services include electrical design, construction, service, preventive maintenance, testing and commissioning, engineering, audio/video, security, and voice/data solutions.CSI Codes:
00 00 00 Top Level Parent26 00 00 Electrical
26 01 00 Operation and Maintenance of Electrical Systems
26 05 00 Common Work Results for Electrical
26 09 00 Instrumentation and Control for Electrical Systems
26 10 00 Medium-Voltage Electrical Distribution
26 12 00 Medium-Voltage Transformers
26 20 00 Low-Voltage Electrical Transmission
26 30 00 Facility Electrical Power Generating and Storing Eqpt.
26 31 00 Solar Photovoltaics
26 32 13 Engine Generators
26 33 53 Static Uninterruptible Power Supply
26 40 00 Electrical Protection
26 41 00 Facility Lightning Protection
26 50 00 Lighting
26 56 00 Exterior Lighting
27 00 00 Communications
27 01 00 Operation and Maintenance of Communications
27 04 00 Audio-Video Systems
27 05 00 Common Work Results for Communications
27 05 13 Communications Services
27 10 00 Structured Cabling
27 11 00 Communications Equipment Room Fittings
27 13 00 Communications Backbone Cabling
27 20 00 Data Communications
27 21 00 Data Communications Network Equipment
27 25 00 Data Communications Software
27 30 00 Voice Communications
27 40 00 Audio-Video Communications
27 41 00 Audio-Video Systems
27 41 16 Integrated Audio-Video Systems and Equipment
27 50 00 Distributed Communications and Monitoring Systems
27 51 00 Distributed Audio-Video Communications Systems
27 53 00 Distributed Systems
28 00 00 Electronic Safety and Security
28 01 00 Operation and Maint. of Electronic Safety and Security
28 10 00 Electronic Access Control and Intrusion Detection / Surveillance
28 13 00 Access Control
28 20 00 Electronic Surveillance
28 30 00 Electronic Detection and Alarm
28 40 00 Electronic Monitoring and Control